Acne Is a Common Problem With a Number of Ways for People To Treat It

main of Acne Is a Common Problem With a Number of Ways for People To Treat It

Acne refers to a skin condition that leads to the formation of pimples, and it is very common, with research estimating that 9.4% of the world’s population has acne. Furthermore, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) states that acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. While teenagers and young adults are more likely to get acne than any other group, many people in their adulthood can also find themselves dealing with this skin condition.

Acne, on its own, does not pose a risk to one’s overall health. However, it can still be painful, especially if it is a severe form of acne. If left untreated, acne can lead to scarring, which is no good news. Acne can also lead to emotional distress by affecting self-confidence and self-esteem; hence, that explains why it is important to know what causes it and which treatment types are available for someone with it.

Causes of Acne

Acne occurs due to clogged pores or hair follicles. A hair follicle is a tiny tube that holds a hair strand, and it often sees lots of glands emptying into it. A clog occurs when excess materials find their way into one’s hair follicles. A clog in someone’s pores can be as a result of the following:

  • Dead skin cells, which can get stuck in the hair follicles
  • Too much bacteria, which can clog pores
  • Sebum, which is an oily substance that acts as a protective barrier to the skin

Clogged pores make substances plug up hair follicles, thereby leading to the creation of pimples; this, in return, triggers inflammation that one feels as swelling and pain. Besides, one can see inflammation through the discoloration of the skin that always appears reddish around pimples. Some things can worsen an acne breakout, and they include:

  • Stress, which leads to the increased production of the hormone cortisol
  • Air pollution
  • Certain weather conditions, like high humidity
  • Tight-fitting headgear and clothing
  • Greasy or oily personal care products

Types of Acne People Deal With

The four main types of acne are:

  • Fungal acne: An inflamed and itchy acne that occurs when there is a yeast buildup in hair follicles.
  • Nodular acne: A severe type of acne that leaves pimples on one’s skin and nodular, tender lumps under the skin.
  • Cystic acne: A severe acne type that creates pimples and nodules full of pus; it is so severe that it can cause scars.
  • Hormonal acne: Affects adults experiencing an overproduction of sebum. Sebum, when produced in large quantities, clogs pores, thereby leading to acne.

Acne not only lowers self-esteem but also can cause scarring, especially if it is nodular or cystic. Scarring, in return, can permanently damage the skin, and that is why one should seek medical attention.

Treating Acne

Acne treatment varies, depending on the type of acne, the severity of acne, and the age of the patient. With that said, the doctor might recommend that someone with acne use topical medications, take oral medications, or consider medicated therapies.

  1. Topical Medications - One should directly rub these medications onto their skin as they would a moisturizer or a lotion. 
  2. Oral Medications - These acne-clearing pills should be taken by mouth, and they include antibiotics that treat acne due to bacteria, and medications that work by shrinking the size of oil glands responsible for the formation of acne
  3. Medicated Therapies - Healthcare providers turn to medicated therapies if topical or oral medications fail to yield the expected results. Medicated therapies also come in handy for treating patients who have scars due to acne. There are different types of acne therapies. Laser therapy treats acne by producing heat to the scarred area. Chemical peels use special chemicals to remove the top layer of old skin to allow new skin to grow and reduce acne scars.

Knowing what acne is all about can help a lot, given how tough it can be to deal with. First, one must know that they are not alone since there are several other people with the same condition. Second, one must know that acne is very treatable, and dermatologists always create personalized treatment plans to ensure desirable results.