Avoiding Tooth Decay Helps Provide The Perfect Smile

main of Avoiding Tooth Decay Helps Provide The Perfect Smile

When meeting a new person, the first thing that we often notice is the smile, as the teeth are one of the most prominent facial features. When we brush our teeth every day, we are not solely performing this act to maintain a healthy color on our teeth, but rather to prevent cavities.

Tooth decay, or cavities is a dental condition in which tiny holes are created within your teeth. Food and harmful bacteria can accumulate in these holes and cause permanent damage to your teeth. Tooth decay can be found in nearly every age range, although children and adolescents are more likely to develop this condition.

If cavities are left untreated, surrounding areas can become damaged and result in a variety of complications, including infection and tooth loss. Tooth decay is often accompanied by a few symptoms, such as sensitivity, aches, discoloration, and pain while eating.

Causes of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by a buildup of food residue on your teeth. This process occurs over time and begins upon consuming sugary foods. Once there is leftover residue on your teeth, bacteria can consume it to produce acids that can harm your enamel. If this residue is left on the teeth, it will eventually form tartar, another term for hardened plaque.

After tartar has formed, the acids within will attack the enamel to dissolve minerals and important substances. In this part, tiny holes may begin to form on your teeth, allowing the acids to access dentin, the inner portion of your teeth. If you have experienced tooth sensitivity, the reason may be because plaque has come in contact with the dentin within your teeth. After this part, plaque may spread to surrounding teeth and harm the enamel of those until decay is present on nearly every tooth.

Several risk factors may increase your risk of developing cavities, including sugary foods, poor brushing habits, a lack of fluoride in your teeth, eating disorders, and underlying dental conditions.

Preventing and Treating Tooth Decay

Practicing great oral hygiene and limiting your intake of sugary foods can benefit your dental health. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when practicing oral hygiene:

  • Schedule frequent dental exams - Your dentist is the best source of information when inquiring about dental health and hygiene tips. Regular examinations can reveal any existing dental conditions and provide treatment if needed. Sometimes, practicing great oral hygiene may not be enough to prevent the formation of plaque on your teeth. A deep cleaning by your dentist will remove any plaque from your teeth and leave you feeling refreshed.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste - Fluoride is a natural substance that can be found in many foods and water. This substance is beneficial to the teeth in plenty of ways. When we are children, consuming foods rich in fluoride can assist in strengthening our permanent teeth. As adults, fluoride continues to promote dental health by preventing cavities. By incorporating fluoride toothpastes into your dental routine, you will be adding an extra layer of protection to your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth twice daily - Most people have the misconception that brushing your teeth once daily is enough to prevent bacteria. Instead, brushing your teeth twice daily has two completely different effects. Brushing your teeth in the morning ensures that you will have clean teeth and a fresh smile whereas doing so at night protects your teeth from the buildup of plaque. As an added measure, most dentists recommend brushing your teeth after every meal to eradicate plaque as it appears.
  • Limit your snack intake - A majority of popular snacks and drinks are full of carbohydrates that may contribute to the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Although it may not hurt to consume a snack once in a while, frequent consumption has been directly linked to the formation of cavities. One way to prevent this is by brushing your teeth after every meal.
  • Use prescribed treatments - After visiting the dentist for a check-up, you may be prescribed treatments, such as fluoride. Using these treatments as advised can lead to a drastic improvement in your oral health.

If you have experienced tooth decay, the next step is to discuss a treatment plan with your physician. Most of the time, this includes undergoing a deep cleaning and then having fillings done. Fillings are materials that can be inserted into the holes within your teeth to prevent further decay and restore function. This process is not painful and may be performed in under 20 minutes.