A Double Chin Is Far From the End of the World

main of A Double Chin Is Far From the End of the World (thumbsupadvice)

A double chin occurs when a fat layer forms under the chin. The fat layer is medically called submental fat, and multiple factors can cause it. Most people associate a double chin with weight gain, which is not always the case. A double chin is not always a sign of an underlying health problem. However, most people do not find them attractive because they alter one’s facial structure. People who are at a healthy weight range can also get a double chin due to other reasons. A double chin is not an irreversible condition. There are multiple ways to get rid of it, including lifestyle changes and surgery. Various reasons contribute to a double chin, including excess body fat, age, poor posture, genetics, and facial structure.

Causes of a Double Chin

As mentioned, there’s more than just obesity that can lead to a double chin. Some of the most common reasons for a double chin to develop include: 

  1. Aging - The human skin undergoes some changes with age. The collagen production starts decreasing after the mid-20s; hence the skin loses its natural elasticity and sags. When the skin under the jaw loosens, it produces a double chin appearance. As more age sets in, the loss of muscular definition exaggerates the skin sagging, resulting in a pronounced double chin.
  2. Poor Posture - Most people tend to crane their necks while reading or using their laptops. This posture has a damaging effect on the platysma muscle. The muscle connects the chin to the neck and becomes damaged with time when it reduces its elasticity. The reduced elasticity causes a sagging effect resulting in a double chin. In addition, a posture that is not upright causes neck and back pains.
  3. Genetics - One is more likely to get a double chin if their family members have the same. No specific gene causes the double chin, but certain characteristics in a particular family may expose an individual to the condition. Family characteristics such as weight gain and having less elastic skin may increase the likelihood of developing a double chin.
  4. Facial Structure - People with weak jawlines and recessive chins are more likely to develop a double chin than those with a strong and well-defined jawline. An increase in fat for individuals with weak jawlines and less elastic skin is highly likely to cause a double chin.
  5. Excess Fat - Excess fat in the body frequently results in a double chin. When one adds weight, it is distributed throughout the body, including the face. Frequent consumption of processed and unhealthy foods causes weight gain.

Methods to Reduce a Double Chin

There are non-surgical and surgical methods to eliminate the double chin. Fortunately, one can eliminate the double chin using simple tricks at home.

  1. Exercise - Specific exercises help to strengthen the jaw area and neck muscles. These exercises, which include the pucker-up and jaw-jut, do not require any equipment and are easy to do while at home. One can also consider general body exercises to eliminate extra weight. Engaging in resistance training up to three times per week helps to tone body muscles. Regular cardiovascular exercises also come in handy in getting rid of excess weight. To make the workouts more fun, one can consider engaging in their favorite recreational activities more often. Also, short walks from work or during lunch breaks can be essential.
  2. Drink Water - Water has multiple benefits to various body parts, including the skin. Staying hydrated helps to avoid dryness and preserve the skin’s elasticity.
  3. Chew Gum - Chewing is one of the best ways to exercise jaw muscles. Regular chewing strengthens the jaw muscles, hence reducing the chances of occurrence of a double chin. However, one should ensure the gum is sugar-free to avoid additional health problems.

There are also more direct and immediate methods of getting rid of a double chin, including laser treatment, mesotherapy, and liposuction.

  • Laser Treatment - This method melts fat tissues using a guided laser. It is a procedure that does not involve surgery and only requires a local numbing treatment.
  • Mesotherapy - Mesotherapy works by metabolizing fat cells in the body. Doctors inject the target area to dissolve the fat cells.
  • Liposuction- This surgical procedure removes excess fat on the chin in about one hour. Doctors conduct this procedure using anesthesia to reduce any pain.