Baking Soda is a Versatile Substance With Many Uses

main of Baking Soda is a Versatile Substance With Many Uses

Baking soda has been a mainstay item in American households since the middle of the 19th century. Not to be confused with baking powder, baking soda is sold frequently in one-pound boxes for low prices and remains readily available at stores all across the nation. Despite being cheap and very ordinary, the substance has many powerful and unexpected uses. Because of its basic chemical composition, baking soda is safe to use in everyday situations for cleaning, cooking, and so much more. Although baking soda can be naturally mined, most large manufacturing companies today use a chemical process to produce and sell the final product. This process only uses three simple chemical compounds: carbon dioxide, ammonia, and table salt. It is impressive that such a simple, everyday powder can have so many relevant applications. This article will share 6 of those surprising everyday uses for baking soda.

1 - Baking (of course!)

Of course, baking soda can be used for baking. Many recipes for baked goods such as cookies, biscuits, and cakes call for this ingredient. Baking soda makes an important contribution to these foods by making them light and fluffy. This occurs because of a chemical reaction. Baking soda activates when in contact with acidic ingredients (such as buttermilk, brown sugar, and lemon juice) and releases carbon dioxide. The release creates air in the food, making it more appetizing and enjoyable.

2 - Deodorizer

Baking soda can be used as a powerful deodorizer in many situations. One of the most common uses is in refrigerators. Placing an open box or container of baking soda in a refrigerator with funky odors is known to remove undesirable smells. Baking soda can also be used to clear out bad smells from sink drains. Putting one cup of this substance down the drain along with two cups of vinegar can clear out unpleasant smells. Placing a container of baking soda in a stale closet, laundry room, or car can also remove lingering stale odors.

3 - Cleaning

Mixing baking soda with a small amount of water to create a paste will allow people to make their very own cleaning product. This paste can then work to clean grout, mold, stovetops, bathtubs, showers, and kitchen pans. To use this cleaning agent, apply the paste to an affected area with a brush or cloth. Then, allow the substance to sit for several hours, wipe up the paste, and rinse with water. The effectiveness of this homemade creation is impressive!

4 - Teeth Whitening

In addition to its uses in cooking, scent removal, and cleaning, baking soda can also be used to whiten teeth. People have found success by mixing toothpaste with a small amount of baking soda to clean surface-level stains on teeth. Be careful, though. Using baking soda on teeth every day, or multiple times a day, could be harsh on gums and tooth enamel. For a more gentle treatment, try applying a baking soda and water paste to teeth after brushing, allowing the mixture to sit for 2-3 minutes, and rinsing with water.

5 - Pest Control

When used correctly, baking soda may be used to control unwanted pests such as ants, cockroaches, and other common insects. To access baking soda’s potential as a pesticide, create an equal-parts mixture of powdered (or confectioners) sugar and baking soda. Put out a dish with this mixture, or sprinkle around affected areas. Ants and roaches will be attracted to the sugar and eat it, but cannot survive baking soda in their digestive systems. This treatment is especially effective for ants when they bring tiny morsels of the mixture back to their colonies for others to eat!

6 - Laundry

For laundry with stains and odors, baking soda can be an effective solution. To fight smells, add ½ cup of baking soda to the washing machine. As a bonus, doing this will also naturally act as a fabric softener! A water and baking soda paste can also work on stains and is especially tough on grease and dirt. Simply rub the paste into the fabric and allow the mixture to sit for 20 minutes. Then, wash the paste off and repeat as needed.