Much of the Great Fun of Halloween Comes From the Costumes

main of Much of the Great Fun of Halloween Comes From the Costumes

Halloween is an exciting celebration where costumes inspire all kinds of characters and inanimate objects to magically come to life. This one day is a true favorite for those who love to dress up in outfits that often receive grand attention and leave lasting impressions. Be them lovely, scary, weird or trendy, Halloween costumes enhance the bewitching enchantment of the day.

There is a certain mystery to Halloween that conjures up intriguing thoughts of dressing the part of a favorite or frightful spirit. Imagine being a real ghost! From white sheets to airy gauze or tulle fabrics that float in the breeze, being a ghost on Halloween night sets the spooky tone perfectly.

Humanizing the memory of those gone before us is exactly what makes Halloween creative, fun and mysterious. One way to get those creative Halloween costume juices flowing is by dressing the part our emotions feel the closest to.There's something special about daring ourselves to be venturesome on the spookiest night of the year. It conjures up a courageous notion that tempting fate where testing the spiritually unidentified might show itself in unexpected forms or features.

Dressing like skeletons of days gone by or witchy illustrations that could have once cast spells among those-unsuspecting just might have magical powers that only Halloween costumes can call attention to.

Popular Traditional Costumes

Halloween is a very accepting celebration, especially where costumes are concerned. That is because Halloween has become an accepting celebration of peoples' personal expressions.

That said, there is often a macabre expression waiting to be displayed because it offers mystery and even a little fear. Skeletons, skulls, monsters, Dracula, Frankenstein and other blood-curdling or intimidating temperaments make the offer of Trick-or-Treat become a question worth considering.

Too, the opposite is often expressed with friendlier notions of gentler characters that bypass the scary effect. Smaller children love kind, colorful, brave and meaningful characters that show positive vibrations toward others. After all, even if Halloween is about those who may have previous influence, children know innately about the goodness of spirit.

Sweeter examples of children's Halloween costumes include familiar cartoon superheroes. Others lean toward a friendliness toward animals, friends and family.

Creative Costume Ideas

Halloween in today's favor is demanding increasingly more creative and open-minded Halloween costume ideas that keep folks interested. One of the best Halloween costumes ever created was of simpleton theory.

Back in the day of great cinema, a most creative recounting of Halloween's best costume starred by taking a basic Paper-Mache formation of a child-sized, body-formed fitting. The completed and memorable "HAM" costume end result was creatively enough to scare the daylights out of millions of viewers.

Creativity is in the eye of the beholder and when someone is chasing you in the dark while you hide inside a Paper-Mache “HAM", Halloween gets a whole lot spookier. It used to be that using the imagination was the only costume game in town. Very few Halloween costume purchases were made with the exception of a mask or two, a skeleton outfit or witch's hat. Happily, what is old is new again. Gaining momentum are kids, parents and families that look around the house to see what can be used to construct something original, funny or whatever determined direction is desired. Here are a few household items and usage suggestions to get your craftiness percolating:

  • Tin Foil - This can be used to make martian antennae, scary link chains or a suit of armor. 
  • Silverware or Kitchen Utensils - These can be used for a funky necklace, drummer sticks or Freddie Krueger Hands. 
  • Old Clothes - Older clothes are a great option and can help you come up with creative costumes of gypsies, sports players and dancers. 
  • Old Boxes - These can help you create a dog house costume, television costume or a car costume. 

Almost anything around the house can be transformed into weird, exciting or macabre Halloween costumes. Check out garages, closets, attics and other places that tend to have all kinds of interesting items lying around. Just don’t wait too long! 

No one said that purchasing great Halloween costumes is a no-no. In fact, there are some pretty amazing options out there. It's also handy that costume stores often have rental options available.