A Week Camping Re-establishes A Person's Connection With Nature

main of A Week Camping Re-establishes A Person's Connection With Nature

Studies have shown that camping will reinvigorate the body and bring one’s attention back into focus. This may have something to do with the fact that just two days is enough to reset circadian rhythms. The sleep is better, so everything else falls into place. No matter what time of year an individual goes camping, there is something new to see or do. It can be a great way to reconnect with friends, family, or a special partner.

However, there are a few things new campers should know, so they can avoid mishaps that may occur. Depending on when one is going camping, the gear requirements are a bit different. Make sure sleeping bags and clothing especially are rated appropriately if a camping trip is in the works prior to spring, and plan accordingly.

Needed Equipment

This is a basic checklist of items one will need. Of course, many people may augment the list with items they wish to have on hand for special occasions. That being said, you want to start with these as a bare minimum. 

  • Tent and stakes
  • Sleeping bag and pad
  • Camp pillow
  • Headlamps or flashlights with extra batteries
  • Camp chair
  • Firewood and a tarp for inclement weather
  • Multitool
  • Cook pots and frying pan
  • Eating and cooking utensils
  • Matches
  • Cooler
  • Water jugs

As stated above, this should be considered a minimal needs list. When thinking about what one would like to have on hand, consider each task area—from sleeping to cooking to around the fire. Make a list ahead of time. Camping bins or totes can come in handy for keeping things organized and for storage of items only used while camping.

Cold Weather Camping

It doesn’t need to be snowy in order to be considered cold weather camping. Forty degrees becomes quite chilly while out in the open, so consider the forecast and plan accordingly. The following list is based on conditions for snow, and it builds upon the list for basic camping gear.

  • Insulated vacuum bottle
  • Insulated mugs
  • Water filter/purifier
  • Large pot for melting snow
  • Snacks and an extra day of food per person
  • Snowshoes and skis
  • Ice axe
  • Snow saw
  • Collapsible snow shovel
  • Winter tent
  • Cold weather sleeping bag

In addition to this basic list, people will often prepare a separate list of clothing and survival gear to ensure that they have thought of everything. Items such as binoculars and maps in waterproof sleeves, compasses and watches should be on this list. Clothing that is warm and light, quick-drying and insulating even when wet is important.

Fun Camping Activities

Whether one is going on a family camping trip or just taking a special person, there are many activities to be enjoyed during camping. In addition to the usual activities of telling ghost stories or making s'mores, there are a number of things one can do. Take a break from spooky stories and tell a teaching tale inspired by the day’s events or tell a Round Robin story with each person weaving a portion from the person before them. Stargaze and identify the constellations one can see. During the day, many people explore and hike the surrounding area. Geocaching is a popular pursuit for those with kids, and scavenger hunts are also well-received.

For artists, there are a whole host of items one can scrapbook. Taking rubbings of interesting textures can also be a great way to reinvigorate one’s practice. Singing, irrespective of talent, can also be a wonderful pastime, with trading of verses or varying the harmony as one wishes. Of course, taking many pictures, whether to commemorate the event with family and friends or of beautiful vistas encountered. There are so many ways to explore and create fun as one reconnects with the natural flow of things.