Multiple Methods Exist to Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps

main of Multiple Methods Exist to Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps

The vast majority of women have experienced menstrual cramps at some point in their life. Menstrual cramps occur when the uterus contracts to get rid of its nutrient-dense lining. It is crucial that this lining be expelled before the next month so a new lining can form. The uterine lining is needed to nourish a preborn baby during pregnancy. A woman doesn't menstruate when this valuable lining is required to sustain a pregnancy. Menstrual pain can range from mild to debilitating, so there is a range of options for relieving menstrual pain. A woman who experiences debilitating menstrual cramps needs to see a doctor, nurse practitioner, or another healthcare provider for treatment. This is important to relieve the cramps' pain and treat any underlying cause of such severe menstrual cramps. For most women, menstrual cramp pain is mild to moderate. This is good news. This means that most people can manage it at home with one or more of these three remedies. 

1 - Walk or perform some other mild to moderate exercise.

Mild to moderate-intensity exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins are pain-relieving biochemicals because they act similarly to pain relief medications in the body. In addition to relieving pain, these hormones also boost the mood and feelings of well-being. Women should try to walk or exercise five days per week for 30 minutes each session. Remaining healthy will help women more successfully cope with menstrual cramps and other health issues, so women should follow this guideline whether they are experiencing menstrual cramps or not.

2 - Take a moment to breathe deeply and at a slowed pace.

While endorphins are essential, they are only part of why exercise can help reduce menstrual cramp pain. Deep breathing is also critical for relieving cramps. Deep breathing encourages relaxation throughout the body. It also helps accelerate the removal of waste products such as lactic acid from the body. Lactic acid builds up when muscles are worked and causes cramping. Speeding the removal of lactic acid can reduce the intensity of menstrual cramp pain. To combat the pain of cramps, women should take slow, deep breaths. They should count to four while inhaling through the nose, hold for two counts, and then count to at least eight while exhaling through the mouth.

3 - Soothe away menstrual pain with gentle heat.

Breathing through the nose is more helpful in relaxing away pain than breathing through the mouth because inhaling air through the nose warms the air. Warmth relaxes muscles and is the mutual secret behind sauna and whirlpool therapy. Women with menstrual cramps may obtain relief by gently applying a heating pad to the abdominal region. Since many commercially available heating pads can become very hot, women seeking relief from menstrual pain should cover their skin with a towel or two to protect delicate skin. Women trying to reduce menstrual pain may also wish to drink a warm beverage such as hot tea. Hot tea can be a nourishing treat in addition to providing gentle warmth. Women seeking menstrual relief should use herbal or other caffeine-free teas to reduce nervous tension.