Sinus Infections Are Common And Affect Many People

main of Sinus Infections Are Common And Affect Many People

Anyone who has ever had a sinus infection knows that it can be absolutely miserable. Your sinus cavities have to stay healthy in order for you to taste, smell and even speak normally. When they become infected, it's not just pain that you have to deal with. It's everything else that goes with it. You can't really enjoy anything. Worse yet, some people are forced to deal with chronic sinus infections, meaning that the infection continues to come back again and again. Many times, this happens regardless of the type of treatment that is used. In some cases, the situation can become so dire that the only thing that can potentially correct the problem is surgery. Without a doubt, most people don't want things to get to this point. Therefore, it's a good idea to recognize the common causes of most sinus infections as well as the symptoms so that you can deal with the problem sooner rather than later. It's also important to remember some tips for good sinus health. This might keep you from having a large number of sinus infections to begin with.

Common Causes of Sinus Infections

What are some common causes of most sinus infections? Pollution is a major issue when it comes to your sinus health. Anyone who spends a lot of time in highly polluted air has a bigger chance of suffering recurrent sinus infections than those who don't. Therefore, most people who live in larger cities are at a greater risk of experiencing sinus infections than those living in rural areas. Smoking is also a big issue when it comes to sinus infections. If you smoke yourself or you spend a lot of time around someone who does, you're more likely to experience them. Over time, they're also more likely to become severe, often leading to chronic sinus infections. Of course, these aren't the only causes. Your immune system has a lot to do with it as well. Those who have a weaker immune system are more likely to experience a higher number of sinus infections because their body isn't as adept at fighting off the infection as someone with a healthy immune system. Allergies also come into play. Those who suffer from allergies are more likely to get sinus infections that are triggered by those allergies.

Symptoms of a Sinus Infection

One of the main symptoms of a sinus infection is pain. You may have a headache just above your eyebrows or your face may hurt around your cheekbones. Sometimes, it feels like you have a toothache in virtually every tooth on the top row of your mouth. You may also have a lot of swelling in these areas and pain in the ears. Congestion is likely. You may even find breathing difficult because of the congestion as well as the excess mucus that is being produced. In severe cases, this excess mucus could even drain down the back of your throat and cause nausea. Untreated sinus infections can lead to ear infections and in some cases, can become life-threatening. This is especially true if the infection spreads to the lining of the brain. Therefore, they must be dealt with. Most people with a healthy immune system can successfully fight off a typical sinus infection but if it lasts more than a few days, it's time to see the doctor. By the same token, anyone who has a compromised immune system should be seen right away.

Tips for Good Sinus Health

What should you do in order to maintain good sinus health? For starters, don't smoke. If you currently smoke, stop. Do your best to limit your exposure to outside pollutants and make sure that the air you are breathing inside is filtered if at all possible. Keep your allergies in check and go see your doctor when the need arises instead of trying to wait it out. You might even consider purchasing a device to allow you to routinely flush your sinuses. This may help you keep your sinuses clear, potentially resulting in fewer sinus infections.

Unfortunately, many people have a tendency to take sinus infections rather lightly. In reality, they should be taken just as seriously as any other potential health concern. It’s even more important for those who have trouble fighting off sinus infections or who have experienced a number of sinus infections in a relatively short period of time, as this could indicate a chronic condition.