There Are Benefits to Using either a Midwife or OB-GYN

main of here Are Benefits to Using either a Midwife or OBGYN (ThumbsUpAdvice)

For soon-to-be-mothers, having a plan of action for their birthing experience is a vital component for a healthy pregnancy. While many women understand what to do after their baby arrives, many newfound mothers are left scratching their heads in the interim. More importantly, what are they supposed to do when aches, pains, discomfort, sickness, nausea and weight gain begin to show their faces? Should worse come to worse, who do they contact when something goes wrong?

Paralyzed with uncertainty, these women seek answers and wisdom from medical professionals who deliver babies daily. But there comes a point in the road where a mother must ask herself how she wants to approach the birth of her child. "Should I have a natural birth or stick to the tried-and-true basics?" and "who will help me stay grounded and motivated throughout the entire experience?" are common questions these women often ask themselves. Here's what women who are juggling the idea of an OBGYN versus a midwife need to know.

Advantages of Using a Midwife

For mothers who desire an all-natural birthing experience, choosing a midwife makes perfect sense. These trained individuals are ready to assist mothers through their birthing experience and provide comfort and support in their most fragile moments.

However, a midwife isn't for everyone. If a woman knows she's likely to experience birthing complications or medical issues during delivery, a midwife may not be the appropriate choice. However, if a woman is healthy, active, vibrant and with minimal signs of struggle leading up to her delivery date, a midwife is the perfect solution for her needs. Among the benefits of having a midwife in a mother's corner, here are the most notable:

  • Improved exercise habits
  • Healthy food recommendations
  • Productive lifestyle choices
  • Decreased risk of early birth
  • Budget-friendly services
  • Assistance with developing a birthing plan
  • Increased chance of a successful birth
  • Follow-up care and support

As we can see, midwives are the superheroes of childbirth. From helping mothers improve their lifestyles to increasing the likelihood of a healthy birth and assisting women after their child arrives, midwives can do it all! For mommies-to-be who want to have a healthy, active and rewarding birthing experience, midwives are perfect.

Advantages of Using an OB-GYN

When things get tricky, an OB-GYN is the perfect solution. Like midwives, OB-GYNs specialize in prenatal and postnatal care, but they have the medical training to spot and treat complications along the way.

While both OB-GYNs and midwives receive extensive training and education, OB-GYNs are experts at spotting anomalies and problematic warning signs pre and post-delivery. For mothers who would "rather be safe than sorry," the services of a skilled and reputable OBGYN are a must.

More importantly, women who choose an OB-GYN can select the best medical facility available when the time comes to give birth. With an OB-GYN's extensive knowledge and medical contacts, they can suggest optimal care facilities and services to treat each woman's unique needs.

With this in mind, pregnant women can sit back and relax for once! And just in case readers are still wondering what an OB-GYN can do for them during pregnancy, here services and domains that OB-YGNs cover:

  • High-risk pregnancies
  • Cesarean services
  • Pre-conceptual care
  • Blood panels and analysis
  • Medication prescriptions
  • Emergency Surgery and fetal extractions

OBYGNs are, in general terms, a midwife with a greater capacity to protect the mother should something go wrong. When a pregnant woman is in the hands of a highly-skilled OBGYN, they're more likely to relax and have a stress-free birth.

Which Option Is Best?

Although it sounds like a terrible cliche, the best answer is, "it depends." For mothers who are relatively healthy, young and have no prior history of medical issues or mishaps, using a midwife is a great choice.

In contrast, for women who have medical histories filled with reproductive issues and complications, consulting with an OB-GYN is the logical decision to make. OB-GYNs will monitor the mother and baby's health on a bi-weekly and weekly basis to ensure everything is going according to plan.