A Good Home Office Makes Working Remotely more Enjoyable

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Working from home has gone from being something done when sick to more of a mainstream option these days. The pandemic has shown that productivity doesn’t drop and in many cases actually goes up when a person works from home and ditches the commute. The key to making it easier on you is to make sure that you have a good home office. 

A home office should provide much the same utility as a traditional office setting. You’ll need the equipment needed to do your job and you’ll need the communication tools to ensure that you’re still staying in touch with your co-workers. From there, it’s pretty easy. You just need to make sure that it’s comfortable while letting you focus on your work. This article is going to look at the ways in which a home office can be tailored to any individual’s needs. 

Equipment Needed

The equipment needed for a home office can vary by profession. For now, we’re going to focus on jobs where you’re working with a computer in some fashion. These tend to be the most conducive to proper work from home settings. A good home office will need the following: 

  • Desk - Obviously a desk is important. This is the workspace that you are providing yourself. The desk should be large enough that everything necessary fits comfortably, but not so large that it takes up an excess amount of space in the room it’s located in. Desk that are too big often become targets for clutter. 
  • Chair - The chair should be something which provides proper ergonomic support. If there’s one place to go “traditional” in a home office, it should be their chair. There’s no reason to pick something that looks great and is a horror to sit in. You’ll be in this chair for hours at a time every day. 
  • Computer - This can be a work laptop or your own desktop. It really depends on your job. In addition, it’s worth considering your monitor setup. Do you need multiple? Should one be horizontal and one vertical? Mounting them can also provide extra space on a desk.
  • Telecommunications Equipment - This could just be an internet connection, or it might also include a home/VOIP phone or cell phone. Some people might also need to break out a fax machine if their company and business still relies on sending some documents through fax. 

 Tips for Setting Up a Home Office

The home office isn’t as easy to set up as people think. The home is full of distractions. This can come in the form of children, pets or just entertainment and hobbies. There’s some things that can be done in order to make sure your home office is optimized. 

First off, make sure that the office has it’s own space. If you have an entire room for a home office, that’s ideal. If you do not, then you need to make sure that you try to segment the home office area as much as possible. Ensure that when sitting at your desk, you are facing away from entertainment items like televisions. Ideally try to make sure that sound is minimized as well, though that can be difficult. 

One way to differentiate a home office area is by decorating it differently. If your home is conservative, then add some flair to the home office area. Alternatively, if your home office features bright colors, then try to tone down the home office and make it simpler and more professional and boring. 

It’s also helpful if the space isn’t too bleak. It can be simple, but try to have reminders of what makes you want to work. Put up pictures of family and friends just like you would have if you were at the office.