Kayaking Is One of the Best Hobbies That Also Counts as Exercise

main of Kayaking Is One of the Best Hobbies That Also Counts as Exercise (thumbsupadvice)

The first kayaks were constructed thousands of years ago, but kayaking has never been more popular than it is today. There are roughly 17 million people that participate in kayaking in the US each year, and the number continues to increase. Nearly any lake, river, stream, or ocean is a potential kayaking location.

Much of the popularity is due to its versatility. It is an activity that can be enjoyed by anyone of any age or fitness level. Children, seniors, couch potatoes, and world-class athletes can all enjoy and benefit from kayaking. It has something to offer everyone.

Kayaking provides physical, emotional, and social benefits to its participants. Anyone looking for a fun and social way to get in shape and enjoy nature should give kayaking a serious look.

Having Fun Kayaking

Kayaking is an enjoyable activity that can be performed at any intensity. It’s possible to go for a leisurely paddle with friends and have an unlabored conversation. Others prefer the exciting challenge of navigating the rapids of a roaring river. Kayaking is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy some of what nature has to offer.

Kayaking with friends provides a wonderful social opportunity to create, build, and enhance friendships. Grabbing a few friends and sharing some time together on the water is certain to strengthen those relationships.

Kayaking can also be part of another activity, such as hiking or camping. The ability to kayak opens up many areas to the adventurer that were otherwise unreachable. Sometimes paddling across the lake is the only reasonable way to get to the other side.

Health Benefits of Kayaking

Kayaking can be an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise, but it depends on how the exercise is performed. Those that like to leisurely float down a gentle river won’t receive the same cardio benefits as someone paddling at a high to moderate rate. That’s one of the beautiful aspects of kayaking: It can be as easy or challenging the participant desires. Regardless of fitness level, anyone can get a great workout.

Kayaking burns about 400 calories an hour for those paddling at a moderate rate. This makes kayaking a good option for those interested in controlling their weight. An hour of constant paddling is a significant workout!

Kayaking is also a great upper body and core exercise. The back, biceps, shoulders, and core all receive substantial attention from paddling. Many even find that back pain is reduced by kayaking regularly.

Getting some exercise in the great outdoors can also be healing for the mind. Stress and worries melt away. It’s natural to feel better physically and psychologically after a good workout. Kayaking is great for overall health.

Best Kayaking Destinations

There are tons of locations throughout the United Stats that are exciting places for kayaking. Some of the most enjoyable include: 

  1. The Colorado River. Over 1400 miles long, this amazing river traverses through seven states and provides amazing scenery along much of the river. Forests, mountains, desert, and even the Grand Canyon can be witnessed from the Colorado River.
  2. Tampa Bay. For those that love the ocean and sea creatures, Tampa Bay offers a unique kayaking experience. It’s possible to paddle downtown or to avoid the city altogether. Expect to see alligators, dolphins, and manatees along the way.
  3. The Salmon River. This river is ideal for both beginners and the best kayaking experts in the world. Kayakers at the Idaho river can expect to see a wide variety of wildlife, including deer, bears, cougars, otters, and eagles.
  4. The Mulberry River. Located in Arkansas, this river offers a wide variety of kayaking opportunities. This area is also known for the abundant fish population, too. This is a great place to take the family for those not wanting to get too adventurous.
  5. The Tuolumne River. This river in Yosemite National Park is best left to the experts. It has one of the longest stretches of Class 4 rapids in the world and a permit is required to kayak on these waters. Waterfalls, canyons, and some of the best scenery in the country await.