Hormonal Acne Can Be Mild or Be Quite Severe

main of Hormonal Acne Can Be Mild or Be Quite Severe

Acne - or zits, pimples, breakouts - is a skin condition most struggle with at one point or another. Not all acne is the same. Hormonal acne is just one type of acne, and it can manifest in different severity levels. Mild acne mostly consists of easily treatable whiteheads and blackheads. Moderate to severe acne will contain larger pustules and cysts. These can be painful to touch. They will be inflamed and red. They may form underneath a layer of skin rather than sitting on top. If not treated, severe acne can leave scars.

Whether hormonal acne is mild or severe, it can get in the way of life and trigger insecurities. Sometimes merely washing the face does not take care of blemishes. Keep reading to understand how hormonal acne is formed and what to do to clear up unsightly breakouts.

Why Does Hormonal Acne Occur?

All acne forms when the skin pores become clogged with oils, dirt, and bacteria. The clogged pores may become inflamed, sore, and filled with pus. Hormonal acne is simply acne that is caused by hormonal changes within the body, rather than merely forgetting to wash the face.

There's a reason why acne is most associated with teenagers. As teenagers experience puberty, their hormones start changing. Many hormones increase during puberty in both males and females. Some help regulate the function of many organs. However, if the body releases too many, the skin will overproduce oils. The oil may become trapped in the skin pores, resulting in acne. So teens experience an increase in hormones, which then leads to an increase in skin oil production, which leads to acne.

Teenagers are not the only ones who can be affected by hormonal acne. Women may find the break out during menstruation. This occurs for similar reasons as how teens breakout. Right before a period begins, hormones decrease. This causes the skin to produce oil which leads to breakouts. Women may also experience hormonal acne during other events related to their cycle, such as pregnancy or menopause.

Another cause of hormonal acne is distress. During stressful events, the body releases another kind of hormone. When too much is released, the immune system weakens and the skin inflames. These factors can easily start breakouts.

Managing Hormonal Acne

Fortunately, there are many options for treated hormonal acne. Average drugstores have plenty of skin care products to choose from. There are a variety of cleansers, creams and toners that are the most beneficial for treating acne. Many contain vitamin A. However, over the counter acne cleansers can only have so much medication within them. It may also take up to a month to notice a difference. If blemishes still are not clearing up after testing over the counter products for a month, try talking to a doctor about prescription acne treatment. Doctors are able to provide access to cleansers with stronger amounts of medication. Of course, the side effects are just as strong. 

For women who struggle with hormonal acne breakouts during their period, the birth control pill may be the best option for treatment. Oral contraceptives work by regulating hormones. So if acne is hormonal, the birth control pill can help regulate the hormones that cause breakouts.

Those who wish to take a more natural route can try tea tree oil. This essential oil reduces inflammation that contributes to acne. In fact, tea tree oil is used in many skin care products on the market. Always remember to dilate essential oils before applying to the skin. As always, a doctor should be consulted before trying out any treatments.